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Hello, welcome to my website!

I'm Luca,

this website was initially created for my traineeship, which is why most of its content is regarding my work in school and therefore in german.

Nowadays I mostly use it to host some of my free time projects.

As of now I am studying applied computer science in Hanover, Germany.

Since Website-Builders and Content Management Systems are not really my cup of tea, everything you see here is "hand-coded" using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Some (maybe) interesting stats:

1929 files

84109 lines of code

3.4MB of code and images

Note that these statistics represent the sum of all files hosted here, including all projects and school documents.

In the Projects cathegory of the Navigation Menu, you'll find some of my projects
I do for fun in my free time. The rest of this website is generally work- or school-related.

Backgroundimages by Pixabay
Contact: me@lugico.de

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